The Polish Insurance Association has delivered Prime Minister Beata Szydło a letter, in which the PIU emphasizes that the mission of insurers is first of all assistance to the injured and their financial protection.
PIU is at the disposal of the government in all issues regarding the motor vehicle civil liability insurance (OC) for vehicle owners. We declare full readiness for any consultations with the state authorities and we support the idea of working out specific solutions ensuring balance on the market and the security of Polish drivers.
PIU would like to stress that it is necessary and feasible to take up legislative works, which could make the life of drivers much easier. According to the PIU, regulation of the amounts of compensations is a priority. The lack of such regulation simply means that the insurance prices and their future growth patterns are unpredictable.Another issue is prevention and punishing the persons permanently breaking road traffic regulations with high OC rates. A legislative change, giving insurers a wider access to the Central Register of Drivers (CEK), particularly to the information on fines, will implement that the burden of rate growths will primarily affect all road hogs, who commit offences most dangerous for other participants of the road traffic.