The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection signed the agreements with 16 life insurance companies. Due to these agreements, claims adjustment fees collected from customers in cases of unit-linked insurance (uli) will be reduced. –The agreement was initiated by the Polish Insurance Association, but it must be emphasised that it concerns the entire insurance industry. The solution is an effect of the considerable efforts of insurance companies, but it has enabled the satisfaction of meeting customer expectations – says Jan Grzegorz Prądzyński, the President of the Board of PIU.
The agreements concern active insurance contracts, at which insurers were collecting claims adjustment fees higher than those agreed upon with the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. In regards to inactive contracts, the refund of fees applies to all persons who:
- concluded the contract with the unit-linked insurance with a regular premium after 61 years of age
- and they entered into this contract (or acceded to such a contract) after 1 January 2008
- and terminated this contract or withdrew from it (in the case of group insurance) after reaching 65 years of age
The content of agreements with individual insurance companies is available at the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
Information on agreements can also be found on websites of insurers. The agreements concern:
- Aegon TU na Życie S.A.
- TU Allianz Życie Polska S.A.
- Aviva TUnŻ S.A.
- AXA Życie TU S.A.
- Compensa TU na Życie S.A. VIG
- STUnŻ ERGO Hestia S.A.
- Generali Życie TU S.A.
- MetLife TUnŻiR S.A.
- Nationale-Nederlanden TUnŻ S.A.
- Open Life TU na Życie S.A.
- PKO Życie TU S.A.
- PZU Życie S.A.
- TU na Życie Europa S.A.
- TU na Życie Warta S.A.
- UNIQA TU na Życie S.A.
- Vienna Life TU na Życie S.A. VIG
Moreover, the agreement was also concluded between the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Polish Insurance Association.