Conferences and seminars

Academic conference entitled “Compensation for diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair” will be held on 23 April in Toruń, at ul. W. Bojarskiego 3, in the Institute for Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU). The conference will be organised by NCU’s Department of Civil Law and International Economic Turnover, NCU’s Department of Insurance Law, and Scientific Society for Organization and Management “Dom Organizatora” (TNOiK). Polish Insurance Association, PZU SA, University of Nicolaus Copernicus, and Scientific Society for Organization and Management will be partners of the conference.

The aim of the event is to discuss cases in which diminution in commercial value of vehicles undergoing a repair lies within the scope of compensation payable by the civilly responsible perpetrator (and thus also by the perpetrator’s insurer). Shouldn’t this diminution become subject to compensation? Should claims for the reimbursement of post-repair diminution in the vehicle’s value be considered only on a case-by-case basis?

The meeting will be attended by representatives of economics, insurance market institutions (insurance companies, brokerage companies), and experts in the automotive industry, experienced in estimating the value (including the diminution in value) of post-accident vehicles.

More information and the registration form are available on the organiser’s website.