On 22-23 September this year, the eight edition of the training seminar entitled “Cooperation between the Police, the insurance companies and other insurance market institutions in the scope of counteracting, exposing and combating insurance crime” was held in the Police Academy in Szczytno. The seminar was prepared by the Polish Insurance Association in cooperation with the Department for Combating Economic Crime at Criminal Affairs Bureau of the General Police Headquarters.
The consistent objective of the seminar is to exchange practical experiences on contemporary insurance crime forms and to develop the forms and methods of joint activities to be undertaken by insurers and representatives of law enforcement authorities in this area. The purpose to continue the tradition of these meetings and to update the solutions is aimed at limiting the scale of this phenomenon.
The agenda of this year’s edition of the seminar was mainly dedicated to cybercrime. To give an inaugural speech, a representative was invited from the Department for Cybercrime in the Ministry of Digitalisation who presented the concept of creating the National System for Cyberspace Protection. Next speeches concerned identification of cyber threats in insurance company activities as well as in relation to social behaviours, including socio-technique.
Lecturers included representatives of the Insurance Guarantee Fund, the Social Insurance Institution, the representatives of the General Public Prosecutor’s Office and law enforcement authorities, including the General Police Headquarters, Regional Police Headquarters, the Central Bureau of Investigation and the specialists from the insurance environment. Thanks to all of them, the speeches included particular examples depicting the criminal activities of offenders and topics concerning the perspectives of using the information exchange channels in joint cooperation between insurance companies and the police.
The Polish Insurance Association would like to sincerely thank all persons involved – the guests, lecturers, participants for arrival and participation in the seminar, and the Police Academy in Szczytno for making it possible to organise the seminar on the premises of the academy.