Violent storms and torrential downpours, which passed over Poland in the last days, caused great damages. However, meteorologists warn that the storm season has not yet finished. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management informs that within the next few days, intense rain showers and hailstorms will be passing over Poland.
Ripped off roofs, damaged cars or flooded flats and cellars – these are the most frequent damages that occur in the storm season. The insurance policies offered by insurers guarantee financial protection against the consequences of storms, hail, strong wind or flood. In 2015 alone, insurance companies paid out PLN 1.35 billion to victims of fire and other natural forces. It rarely happens that the insurance of a house or a flat costs more than a few hundred zloty per year. For this amount you can protect all your possessions. – However, you have to pay attention to the scope of insurance coverage and to the sum insured i.e. a limit, up to which the insurer is liable for losses. It is worth ensuring that this sum is adequate to the value of our property – says Marcin Tarczyński, analyst of the Polish Insurance Association.
What if a calamity strikes us?
Once an insurance event happens, you need to collect the necessary documentation, e.g. photos confirming the real size of the losses. It is also worthwhile to consult the insurer how to start cleaning works after a damage. Remember that flat insurance is often accompanied with the assistance package, which includes professional services, help in the case of evacuation and reimbursement of hotel accommodation costs, e.g. in the case of roof damage and, as its consequence, house flooding. In case of any doubts regarding the manner of reporting a claim, it is enough to contact the info-line of the insurer.
Hail or flooded engine
Remember that weather conditions may also destroy our cars. The standard accident and theft insurance liability ensures repair of the vehicle as well as in the case of a damage to one’s body caused by hail or flooding as a result of wells clogging etc. The comprehensive Auto Casco (AC) insurance covers also damages caused by trees fallen due to strong wind. The terms and conditions of the comprehensive Auto Casco (AC) insurance should be thoroughly studied in terms of exclusions, like those connected with water being sucked by the engine.
Third party liability for damages
What is extremely important, the liability for damages caused to other people, for example, by a fallen tree or a flowerpot that fell down from a balcony shall be incurred by the persons living in the properties, to which these things belong. How to protect ourselves against the financial consequences of these types of events? What is helpful in this case is third party liability insurance (OC) in private life, owing to which the persons injured due to our negligence may count on compensation. It will help to protect the household budget from unexpected and sometimes excessive expenditures. Holding an insurance policy does not release us from the obligation to secure the objects that may be swept away by the wind, like pot flowers or a terrace awning.