m – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:12:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 https://old.piu.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/favicon-50x51.png m – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl 32 32 Mutual Insurance Society https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/mutual-insurance-society/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:32 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/mutual-insurance-society/ a legal form of conducting insurer’s activity – on the basis of mutuality between insured members of TUW and on the non-profit basis; apart from the aim of the operation, generally the same financial requirements apply to it as to […]

Artykuł Mutual Insurance Society pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Minimum guarantee sum https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/minimum-guarantee-sum/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:31 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/minimum-guarantee-sum/ it is a minimum guarantee sum in compulsory insurance which allows the requirements imposed by such compulsory insurance to be complied with.

Artykuł Minimum guarantee sum pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Minicasco https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/minicasco-2/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:31 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/minicasco-2/ an insurance product from autocasco insurance group with a limited scope of cover as compared to full autocasco cover; limitations, depending on the insurer, may be introduced in respect to the scope of cover, way of loss, adjustment and settlement […]

Artykuł Minicasco pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Multiagent https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/multiagent-2/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:28 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/multiagent-2/ an insurance agent offering more than one insurer’s products from one department of insurance (ie life insurance and other personal insurance and property insurance).

Artykuł Multiagent pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Monthly Insurance https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/monthly-insurance/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:24 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/monthly-insurance/ Civil Code defines a month as 30 consecutive days. Interpretations of the insurers may be different

Artykuł Monthly Insurance pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Misadventure https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/misadventure/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:24 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/misadventure/ event by which the insured lost his health or life. It must be a sudden event, independent of the will of the insured and caused by external cause

Artykuł Misadventure pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.
