p – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:12:34 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 https://old.piu.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/favicon-50x51.png p – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl 32 32 Policyholder https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/policyholder/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:32 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/policyholder/ the person who enters into an insurance agreement for his/her own or somebody else’s account, the policyholder undertakes in the insurance agreement to pay the insurance premium.

Artykuł Policyholder pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Prevention fund https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/prevention-fund/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:31 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/prevention-fund/ a target fund created by insurers for the financing of prevention-oriented activities; prevention fund can be created as a cost of insurer up to the amount of 1 per cent of premium written net of reinsurance.

Artykuł Prevention fund pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Partial loss https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/partial-loss/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:30 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/partial-loss/ the loss where the object insured has been damaged to such an extent that its repair is possible and economically justified.

Artykuł Partial loss pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Pecuniary compensation https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/pecuniary-compensation/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:30 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/pecuniary-compensation/ one of the ways of compensating an intangible loss, lying in the payment of an adequate amount of money to the sufferer for the loss suffered. Compensation may be claimed in case of a bodily injury, health detriment, total or […]

Artykuł Pecuniary compensation pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Proportional reinsurance https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/proportional-reinsurance/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:27 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/proportional-reinsurance/ reinsurance contract in which the insurer and the reinsurer participate in the risk premium and damages in similar proportions.

Artykuł Proportional reinsurance pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

PML (Probable Maximum Loss) https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/pml-probable-maximum-loss-2/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:26 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/pml-probable-maximum-loss-2/ The highest probable damage which may arise with regard to the normal functioning of the installed security (firewalls, sprinklers, fire response time) used by insurers of so-called large risks for the assessment of risk exposures.

Artykuł PML (Probable Maximum Loss) pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Policy https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/policy/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:24 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/policy/ document containing the insurance contract. It accepts the Insurer’s liability for the loss caused by insured events

Artykuł Policy pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Premium https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/premium/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:24 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/premium/ is the amount payable to the insurer for the insurance coverage

Artykuł Premium pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.
