t – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:12:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 https://old.piu.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/favicon-50x51.png t – Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń https://old.piu.org.pl 32 32 Total damage https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/total-damage/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:30 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/total-damage/ the damage, whose consequence is loss (as in theft), destruction or damage to such an extent that its repair is not possible or economically justified.

Artykuł Total damage pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Technical result https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/technical-result/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:29 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/technical-result/ result of the insurer’s activity with regard to insurance premiums, benefits, reserves and reinsurance; technical result shows that the insurer earns or loses on its core business.

Artykuł Technical result pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

The first risk https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/the-first-risk/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:28 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/the-first-risk/ in life insurance, it is a system of the insurer’s responsibility where the rule of proportion does not apply. In this case it is the client who determines the insurance sum, which is usually lower than the full value of […]

Artykuł The first risk pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Term life insurance contract https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/term-life-insurance-contract/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:27 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/term-life-insurance-contract/ A life insurance contract where the insurance event is the death of the insured during the insurance period, usually for 5, 10, 20 years. Term insurance usually tends to be extended with options for serious illness, accidents, inability to work. […]

Artykuł Term life insurance contract pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Trigger https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/trigger-2/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:27 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/trigger-2/ it is a temporary term of insurance event used in contracts of liability insurance. Classic civil liability insurance contract covers damage resulting from the contractual events that took place during the period of insurance. The parties may decide, however, that […]

Artykuł Trigger pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Transferor https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/transferor/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:27 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/transferor/ Within reinsurance it is an insurance company reflecting the risk, the reinsured.

Artykuł Transferor pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

The ratio of technical insurance provision coverage with assets https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/the-ratio-of-technical-insurance-provision-coverage-with-assets/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:26 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/the-ratio-of-technical-insurance-provision-coverage-with-assets/ the statutory ratio indicating if the insurer has the assets for its current and future liabilities towards the insured, beneficiaries and victims to be covered; the value of the ratio should exceed 100 per cent.

Artykuł The ratio of technical insurance provision coverage with assets pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

Temporary protection https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/temporary-protection/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:26 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/temporary-protection/ protection provided to a person who has applied for life insurance, even before the acceptance of this proposal by the insurer. As a rule, temporary protection is granted in a limited scope as compared to the final contract of insurance […]

Artykuł Temporary protection pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

The sum of the insurance https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/the-sum-of-the-insurance/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:25 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/the-sum-of-the-insurance/ the sum included in insurance contract. Typically, the sum is the upper limit of liability of insurer

Artykuł The sum of the insurance pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.

The amount of insurance https://old.piu.org.pl/en/glossary/the-amount-of-insurance/ Thu, 06 Oct 2016 00:11:24 +0000 http://piu.hitbay.atthouse.pl/glossary/the-amount-of-insurance/ the sum which is stated in the insurance contract. Typically, the sum is the upper limit of liability of insurer

Artykuł The amount of insurance pochodzi z serwisu Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń.
